
It’s not easy to tell the meeting with Elisabetta and Carlo, especially the impact they had in the way of perceiving our work here at the Arcolaio.

Elisabetta Bovina and Carlo Pastore are the Elica Studio designers, the artists with whom we created the Quintessenza project.

Elisabetta Bovina and Carlo Pastore have been working for over twenty-five years in the field of Applied Arts and Design.

The contamination between the arts is their stylistic signature, having chosen to create a dialogue between ceramics and artistic practices apparently far from this material.

It has been an honour for us to be able to combine weaving with their artistic practices, but above all to perceive the personal and professional growth that Elisabetta and Carlo stimulated in Arcolaio.

It has been an honour for us to be able to combine weaving with their artistic practices, but above all to perceive the personal and professional growth that Elisabetta and Carlo stimulated in Arcolaio.

It is thanks to them that became awareness, what before was only an instinct, probably of belonging: the passion, which is sometimes hard to contain, for the creation of artifacts that are on one hand the result of a work “in depth” and on the other hand an indispensable social expression of a thousand-year tradition.

It is the paradigm of Richard Sennet, discovered thanks to Elisabetta and Carlo: the work that sublimates when it is done by putting Head in Hands.

Our meeting has therefore not only returned a new dignity to our continuous work, but also the enthusiasm, the “sacred” fire that, in a complex and mature market like the one in which we operate, often struggles to burn.

With them we have rekindled a flame and continue to feed it together, always exploring new fields to get involved, dealing with visions, drawings or fabrics.

To understand what happened between us it’s necessary to look at the works of Quintessence: iconic fabrics that tell the fusion of distant worlds linked by a coherence of Being and Doing that becomes, inevitably, stylistic symbol.

It is thanks to them that became awareness, what before was only an instinct, probably of belonging: the passion, which is sometimes hard to contain, for the creation of artifacts that are on one hand the result of a work “in depth” and on the other hand an indispensable social expression of a thousand-year tradition.

It is the paradigm of Richard Sennet, discovered thanks to Elisabetta and Carlo: the work that sublimates when it is done by putting Head in Hands.

Our meeting has therefore not only returned a new dignity to our continuous work, but also the enthusiasm, the “sacred” fire that, in a complex and mature market like the one in which we operate, often struggles to burn.

With them we have rekindled a flame and continue to feed it together, always exploring new fields to get involved, dealing with visions, drawings or fabrics.

To understand what happened between us it’s necessary to look at the works of Quintessence: iconic fabrics that tell the fusion of distant worlds linked by a coherence of Being and Doing that becomes, inevitably, stylistic symbol.